PRF Ez Gel

PRF EZ Gel in Newport Beach, CA

Sculpt with InstaSculpting For the Body

PRF Ez Gel is an advanced treatment that uses your body’s platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) to improve the appearance of your skin. PRF is derived from your blood and is processed into a gel-like substance that can be injected into various areas of the face to promote collagen production and tissue regeneration. The treatment is commonly used to treat fine lines, wrinkles, dark under-eye circles, and volume loss in areas such as the cheeks, jawline, and nasolabial folds. Because it uses natural components from your body, PRF Ez Gel is a popular option among those seeking a natural way to rejuvenate their faces.

PRF Ez Gel is ideal for individuals who want to improve their skin’s appearance without relying on synthetic fillers or chemicals. Generally, patients begin to see results shortly after treatment as the body regenerates tissue, with optimal results visible after about 2-3 months. The effects of PRF Ez Gel last between six and twelve months, depending on age and skin condition. If you’re looking for a safe, natural way to refresh your appearance, book an appointment at The Beauty Hut today to learn more about PRF Ez Gel.

Benefits of PRF Ez Gel:

Natural, using your blood for results
Promotes collagen production
Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles
Improves skin texture and elasticity
Adds volume to areas of volume loss
Reduces dark under-eye circles
Long-lasting results (6-12 months)
Minimal risk of allergic reactions
No synthetic fillers or chemicals
Can treat multiple areas of the face

The following conditions can be treated with Dermal Fillers:

● Smile lines (also known as nasolabial folds)
● Vertical lines (also known as smoker's lines)
● Loss of volume in the midface and cheeks
● Marionette lines
● Rough or uneven lip texture
● Thinning lips
● Restore fullness to cheeks
● Diminish scars and acne scars
● Erase fine lines and improve deep creases
● Plump lips
● Lift a down-turned mouth
● Rejuvenate the hands

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Anyone looking to improve skin texture, reduce wrinkles, or add volume naturally may be a good candidate. It’s especially suited for those who prefer treatments without synthetic substances.

It usually takes a few weeks for results to begin to show, with full benefits becoming visible around 2-3 months post-treatment.

Results from PRF Ez Gel typically last between 6 and 12 months, depending on factors like age and skin health.

There is minimal downtime, and side effects are rare, but you may experience mild swelling or bruising at the injection sites for a few days.

If possible, avoid blood-thinning medications before the treatment. Afterward, follow your practitioner’s advice, including avoiding strenuous activity and direct sun exposure for a short time.

During the PRF Ez Gel treatment, a small amount of blood will be drawn, processed to extract the PRF, and injected into the target areas. The process is usually quick and well-tolerated.

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